Our “Girls” were thrilled to go out on pasture this May and we are announcing their transition to an entirely grass fed diet.  Pasture is our passion, balancing sunshine, rain and fertile soil, making nutrient-dense feed to graze and delicious hay for the long winter months; just what you would want to eat if you were a cow!   Sweet, mineralized soils rich in humus and organic matter (from our compost) grow a diverse mix of grasses, clovers, alfalfa and wild plants such as dandelions, on the hill-tops and river valleys in Westfield, Lowell and Troy, Vt.
The cows’ diet of 100% grasses, legumes and native plants raised on nutrient rich certified organic soils has been shown to increase the Omega 3’s and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) in the milk, in amounts above and beyond grain fed cows’ milk and dairy products.

Our girls chew and rest and walk and eat and sleep and munch and rest (etc.) and make so much beautiful delicious milk.  We are utterly grateful to our cows, wonderful animals, mostly docile, often frisky and mischievous.  These ladies make it happen.  Their comfort and quality of life make our work and lives fulfilling.  Cow-Soil-plant-milk-culture symbiosis is 40 years strong here at Butterworks.  The Farm and Dairy Plant family and team offer a dedicated and unique blend of organic integrity and local culture that aims to please body, mind and spirit.


Categories: General
Jack LazorSpring and Summer on The Farm
100% Grass-Fed Dairying- A Farmer's thoughts


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